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The ULI Partners for Health program seeks to improve community health, reduce health disparities, and advance health equity on the local level through engagement with three US-based District Councils, selected through a competitive process.
The goal of the Partners for Health program is to support deeper District Council and ULI member engagement in a key existing local initiative, identified by the District Council, that has a focus on improving health. The program will work to leverage the expertise and engagement of local ULI members and partners to help promote a culture of health in their community and gain momentum to counter health challenges.
Interested District Councils should identify an existing city-, neighborhood, or regional initiative where:
- Improving health is a primary focus or goal
- Advancing health equity and reducing health disparities are key priorities
- ULI and its members have the potential to contribute positively to the success of the initiative.
Potential local efforts or initiatives might include:
- Infrastructure investments to make biking and walking safer, more convenient, and more equitable
- Equitable park investment programs
- Healthy food access strategies
- Other health and health equity related programs
Statements of Interest from District Council staff will be accepted through January 10, 2018.
Program Guidelines and Overview Statement of Interest Form
Questions? Contact [email protected].
The ULI Partners for Health program is being undertaken as part of the Building Healthy Places Initiative, which develops resources that are widely distributed among ULI member and partner networks.
ULI is grateful to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for its support of this program and the ULI Building Healthy Places Initiative.