ULI Net Zero Compendium
ULI has a global mission priority of decarbonizing the real estate sector and accelerating our progress to net zero. The organization-wide goal is for net zero carbon operations by 2050, with meaningful progress on decarbonization by 2030. Real estate has a responsibility and opportunity to address the climate crisis and reach net zero. Given the climate need and the growing global mandate for zero carbon buildings, how can ULI accelerate market transformation toward a net zero built environment?
Developing a path to net zero carbon has become a priority for investors, tenants, cities, and the real estate industry. Through work across many facets of ULI – Mission Priorities, our ULI Decarbonization Program, District/National Councils, Advisory Services, ULI Learning, and beyond – we have developed a wide range of resources to help ULI members and the broader real estate and land use community better understand the business case for a path to net zero, and tools to help them operationalize it in their projects and portfolios.
What is net zero and why is it important?
Net-zero in the built environment describes a building portfolio that is highly energy efficient and fully powered by on- and off-site renewables and offsets. More on ULI’s definition of net zero and our net zero goal is available here.
ULI’s mission is to shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide, and net zero is a crucial building block to help us achieve this. According to the AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis Report, achieving global net zero GHG emissions is a requirement for stabilizing CO2-induced global surface temperature warming. Real estate has a tremendous responsibility and opportunity in this realm to act and ensure a future where we are minimizing our environmental impacts and advancing pathways to mitigating climate change. There is also a clear and present business case opportunity for real estate to take leadership on decarbonization.
The journey to achieve portfolio-wide net zero starts with energy efficiency as the most cost-effective solution for carbon reductions, moving on to onsite renewables, green power through the utility grid coupled with building electrification, and balancing the remaining emissions with offsite renewables, renewable energy credits (RECs), and offsets. Further strategies can include engaging tenants to reduce their emissions and exploring embodied carbon reductions in building materials.
Ways to get involved
- Engage in the Net Zero Imperative by submitting a Statement of Interest to participate in the program or offering services as a subject matter expert on a Net Zero Imperative Technical Assistance Panel (TAP)
- Join ULI Greenprint if your firm owns or develops buildings
- Sign up for our bi-monthly Net Zero Exchange
- Consider applying to join a Product Council related to sustainability: ULI Americas — SDC, RPIC, and RRC; ULI Europe — Sustainability Council; ULI Asia Pacific — Resilient Cities Council
- Take one of the sustainability focused ULI Learning Courses
- Apply learnings from Case Studies, Research Reports, and Webinars
- Share Urban Land articles
- Apply for the ULI Low-carbon Development award
- Have a net zero project you would like to share with us to feature on the ULI Case Studies website? Share it with us through the submission box at the bottom of the page.
Learn more about ULI's programs on net zero
Research Reports
Case Studies
Webinars & Videos
ULI Learning
Resource | Type of Content |
Integrating ESG Decisions into Your Pro Forma: Opportunities, Adjustments, and Analysis - Fall 2023 | Virtual (live with recordings available) |
Net Zero Real Estate: Renovating and Building for Profitability | On Demand |
Technical Assistance Panels (TAPs) and Advisory Services Panels (ASPs)
Resource | Description | Type of Content & Year |
ULI Philadelphia - St. Andrew's School Net Zero Campus TAP | The report provides recommendations to help St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, Delaware, develop short-and long-term strategies for carbon reduction and sustainable practices regarding infrastructure and capital improvements; land usage; procurement and vendors; and school policies and culture. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2024) |
ULI Charlotte NZI TAP | The goal of this Technical Assistance Panel was to identify ways to encourage developers to create a net zero road map for new commercial development. The panel used city, state, federal and utility programs to provide examples of programs successfully implemented in other jurisdictions. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2024) |
ULI Mexico NZI TAP | For two days, four national and international panelists immersed themselves in understanding San Pedro’s current sustainability action plans. They interviewed 42 relevant public and private sector leaders and, drafted specific recommendations for the Municipality. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2024) |
ULI Chicago NZI TAP | This ULI Chicago Initiative brought together approximately 50 area stakeholders, including industry experts, civic and community leaders, and public sector officials, to develop recommendations for accelerating building decarbonization and creating a “Climate Ready Chicago.” | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2024) |
ULI Hong Kong NZI TAP | This report is a practical guide on how to engage tenants at community focused shopping centers in order to accelerate decarbonization. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2023) |
ULI Toronto NZI TAP | This report identifies how the public and private sector can work together to unlock the necessary investments and drive sustainable retrofits of Toronto’s towers while maintaining affordability. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
ULI Austin NZI TAP | The report offers guidance on how to establish an equitable net zero culture for Austin, the importance of education and engagement, striking a balance with regulations and incentives, and key initiatives that the City of Austin and Austin Energy can take to help stakeholders embrace the goal of net zero. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
ULI Beijing NZI TAP | The objective is to work with the Beijing CBD Administration Committee to develop a long-term strategy for more effective engagement of stakeholders so the district can become net zero carbon. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
ULI Greater Bay Area NZI TAP | This report provides a local context on the Shenzhen policy landscape, presents the business case for real estate, and recommends technology and policy incentive strategies to help set a collaborative path to net zero that can be both actionable and achievable. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
ULI Kansas City NZI TAP | This report studies the challenge for the Kansas City market and makes recommendations for the launch of a green bank in the region. Although the goal is to decarbonize all building types across all geographies, the TAP panel looked specifically at the multifamily building sector | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
ULI Los Angeles NZI TAP | This report identified ways to expand the existing district energy system in the Bunker Hill community in a way that would optimize cost and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across multiple property types and uses. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
ULI Minnesota NZI TAP | This TAP focused on the 115-acre site, the Root District near downtown Minneapolis. The panel provided guidance for the establishment of a flexible net zero framework that can be used to support decision-making in the development of the district. | Technical Assistance Panel Report (2022) |
San José California: Building Electrification and Renewable Energy | The panel looked at this fundamental question: What can the city of San José do to help unlock the environmental and health benefits of building electrification and renewable/carbon-free distributed energy resources (DERs) in market-rate and affordable multifamily housing developments, increase the financial viability of such projects, and improve social equity utcomes? | ULI Advisory Services (2022) |
Washington, D.C. Sustainability - D.C. Vision 2050: An Effective Strategy and Plan for Real Estate Owners to Achieve D.C.’s Sustainability Goals | An advisory services panel made recommendations to the DowntownDC Business Improvement District (BID) on the real estate industry’s role in achieving the city’s sustainability goals, and on how the goals can be leveraged to generate real estate value and boost economic growth in the city’s downtown. | ULI Advisory Services (2019) |