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About Tjuvholmen
Location: Oslo, Norway
Developer: Tjuvholmen KS/AS
Designer: Niels Torp Arkitekter Mnal et al
Size: 51 hectares
Tjuvholmen is a completely new borough of Oslo and part of the grand scheme of recovering the waterfront, called The Fjord City. When finished late 2014, the Tjuvholmen area will consist of more than 900 dwellings and working space for 1500 people, at a cost of around one billion Euros.
Following a master plan designed by one of Norway’s most renown architects, Niels Torp, in 2003, the project includes The Astrup Fearnley Museum, first class hotel, restaurants, cafés, and convenience shops. The master plan has proven its robustness: The development has followed the master plan with only minor exceptions, and with no controversies during the execution phase. The development has also been without any financial constraints, as the risk management of the project has been successful. The developers have fulfilled the Council’s vision to give the seaside back to the inhabitants of Oslo. Tjuvholmen is a spear head development of the new “Fjord City” as transformed from a closed port into a modern and very livable part of town.