BHP Webinars
The Building Healthy Places Initiative holds webinars across its areas of work. Recent webinars are listed below and available on Knowledge Finder.
Industry, Buildings, Community
- Confronting COVID-19: Insights for Real Estate Leaders highlighted strategies, including building management and maintenance strategies to fight the spread of infectious disease, from public health and wellness experts. (March 24, 2020)
- Confronting COVID-19: Healthy Buildings; Optimizing Mental Health features experts who spoke about strategies to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 in buildings and communities, and strategies for optimizing mental health in this time of disruption. (March 31, 2020)
- Confronting COVID-19: Everything You Need To Know About Healthy Buildings provides insights on the role of the built environment in supporting health and wellness, how the COVID-19 crisis will change the ways people use and interact in commercial buildings, and building and workplace health. (April 21, 2020)
- Confronting COVID-19: Insights from Asia features senior real estate leaders from China, South Korea, and Hong Kong Asian on their experiences helping to battle the novel COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, and manage its effects on their businesses, and what these experiences have to teach ULI members in North America. (May 12, 2020)
- Creative Placemaking in the Time of COVID-19 features experts from across the United States and beyond to explore creative placemaking today and in the future. (September 2, 2020)
- Real Estate’s Pandemic Year: Covid One Year In, And What Comes Next features leaders from ULI and beyond who reflect on our unprecedented pandemic year – and what is coming next. (March 31, 2021)
- Holistic Approaches to Climate Change and Health highlights how built environment professionals have optimized the co-benefits of green and healthy building strategies. (February 2022)
- What Does Racial Equity Look Like in Real Estate Development? features industry leaders who have made racial equity central to their real estate practice and shares insights for working toward racial equity. (May 2022)
- Health, Well-being, and Community: The Role of Privately Owned Third Places draws on the ULI report, Together, and further explores the role privately owned third places play in advocating for and ensuring the health and well-being of individuals and communities. (September 2022)
Healthy Housing
- Confronting COVID-19: Considerations for Multifamily and Affordable Housing provides insights from experts on health and housing on how owners and operators of multifamily properties should respond to COVID-19. (April 7, 2020)
Healthy, Equitable, and Sustainable Transportation
- Confronting COVID-19: Making Moves is a conversation among experts from around the country exploring transportation, public space, and equity in the time of COVID-19. (September 11, 2020)
- Building Transit-Oriented Suburban Communities is a conversation among experts who are moving beyond the suburban status quo and are at the vanguard of efforts to leverage transportation to catalyze and sustain healthy, equitable communities. (April 9, 2021)
Equitable Parks and Open Space
- Confronting COVID-19: Parks, Public Spaces, and the Pandemic, a joint Urban Land Institute and National Recreation and Park Association webinar, discusses city strategies, and how parks and public spaces can be safely used to benefit individual and community well-being. (May 5, 2020)
- Unlocking the Power of Parks: How New Approaches Are Creating Vibrant Parks and Open Spaces examines new approaches to unlocking the power of parks in communities across the United States and Canada, and how to apply lessons learned to other projects and developments. (2020 ULI Spring Meeting Webinar Series)