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As the nation continues to seek solutions to the housing crisis facing our country, the need to help working families live in an affordable home near their workplace is more important than ever. Register today to join the National Association of REALTORS® on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at the historic Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago, Illinois for the Bring Workers Home: 2012 Workforce Housing Forum. The ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing is pleased to serve as a partner on this forum alongside other national and local housing organizations including NeighborWorks America and the Metropolitan Planning Council.
The forum, which takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT, will focus on the importance of workforce housing in today’s market and in the future; workforce housing challenges in communities; and strategies and best practices to address these challenges. The forum features an outstanding line-up of nationally recognized housing experts including the Terwilliger Center’s own senior fellow John McIlwain, who will moderate the opening plenary panel discussion, and housing research director Sandra Robles, who will moderate a breakout session on affordable housing finance.
Details about the forum, including the agenda, hotel information and registration, are available at On-line registration will remain open through Friday, September 28. Questions? Please contact event organizer Holly Moskerintz at NAR via email at [email protected].