Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the foundations on which ULI’s mission is built. As an organization we are committed to providing the leadership required to tackle inequity in both the real estate industry and our communities.
One important way we can begin to address these challenges is by ensuring that our demographics more closely reflect society. Improving the balance of representation will lead to a greater diversity of views and potential solutions — and ultimately create a better ULI. We understand that broad representation alone is not enough and that we need diversity in our leadership positions. We must increase the number of women and people of color sitting on our various governing boards and committees, holding chair positions in our district and product councils, and serving among our senior staff team.
We know that we have work to do and this demographics report is the starting point for change. It provides a clear understanding of where we stand today, where we need to focus our efforts, and where we must do better. We will track our performance in the years ahead against these benchmarks and publish our progress in the Institute’s annual report.
I know that through a concerted effort from our members and staff team, we can bring about the change we want to see.
W. Edward Walter
Global CEO