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“The X-Concept”
Team 1688
University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
The “X Concept” is a reinterpretation of L’Enfant’s juxtaposition of diagonals over an urban grid. An X-shaped intersection marks M and South Capitol streets, forming a landscaped park that reintegrates the neighborhoods of the quadrants of the study area. Development along the four axes emanating from this center will catalyze revitalization evenly across the entire South Capitol Street community.
Graduate School of Fine Arts (GSFA)
Dean: Gary Hack
Richard Moh, UPenn Wharton School of Business: M.B.A. (B.S. Cornell University 1997, M.Eng. Cornell University 1998)
Hsin-Yi Chen, UPenn GSFA: M.L.A. (B.L.A. Tung Hai University 2000)
Marvin Tien, UPenn Wharton School of Business: M.B.A. (B.S., Cornell University 1997)
Ellyn Lin-Ying Liu, UPenn GSFA: M.C.R.P. (B.A. University of Toronto 2001)
Telu Tsah, St. Joseph’s University: M.B.A. (B.S. National Cheng-Kong University 1993)
Faculty Adviser: Susan Wachter
Professional Adviser: Elinor Bacon
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