CRREM North America Project
CRREM North America Project Final Deliverables
- CRREM North America Pathways v2.04
- CRREM North America Pathways v2.04 Inputs
- CRREM Risk Assessment Tool v2.06 Beta
- CRREM Zip Code Lookup Table
- LBNL Technical Report
- ESPM Pilot Technical Analysis (coming soon!)
- Final Project Update Webinar Slides
- Final Project Update Webinar Recording
- US & CAN CRREM Pathways – Blank Assessment Tool (Allows users to enter properties from their portfolio and visualize performance against the v2.04 curves. Provided as a courtesy of LaSalle Investment Management and not an official work product. Please let us know if you fix any errors so we can repost). To use this tool, please download it onto your device as the online version is intended only for viewing.
- ULI Memos:
What is CRREM?
The Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) is a global initiative for establishing targets for operational carbon emissions for standing real estate investments consistent with the ambitions of the Paris agreement. CRREM released decarbonization pathways that translate the efforts of limiting global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century into regionally- and property-type-specific trajectories. Investors use the CRREM tool to assess, price, and mitigate carbon performance and stranded asset risk in their real estate investments. Learn more about CRREM here.
CRREM Resources
What is the CRREM North America Project?
Driven by ULI member requests, CRREM, ULI, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) partnered to create more granular curves for the US and Canada. The project team engaged hundreds of diverse real estate industry stakeholders to inform this process by hosting a virtual working group, chaired by Elena Alschuler from LaSalle Investment Management. The five virtual working group sessions were open to the public for the real estate industry to provide feedback on the project’s priorities, such as including additional data sources, to enable more granular curves for North America.
- Session 1: “CRREM 101” and opportunities to improve the North American curves (May 2nd, 11:00am ET)
- Session 2: Deep dive into half of the prioritized opportunities (June 6th, 11:00am ET)
- Session 3: Deep dive into half of the prioritized opportunities (June 21st, 11:00am ET)
- Session 4: Discussion on stakeholder feedback about EUI (October 5th, 12:00pm ET)
- Session 5: Presentation of draft CRREM curves for North America and start of 30 day public comment period (April 17th, 11:00am ET)
Draft Deliverables
The project team hosted a 45-day public comment period to collect stakeholder feedback on the draft deliverables. Find public comment submissions here. The Draft Methodology Memo, Draft Curves, and Draft Curve Inputs are posted below for reference (not official use).
How can I get involved?
The working group sessions have concluded but you can email [email protected] to be added to our email updates.