The Building Healthy Places Initiative explores how cities and the real estate industry can promote more healthy, equitable, active and sustainable transportation systems.
Key Activities
ULI’s Healthy Corridors Project explores how commercial corridors can be transformed to become safe, healthy, vibrant, and equitable mixed-use places. ULI is investigating best practices to reinvent under-performing suburban and urban arterials in health- and equity-promoting ways for the people who live, work, and travel on these streets.
The Building Healthy Places Initiative works with the American Cities Climate Challenge to conduct research and provide technical assistance to cities on parking reform, transit-oriented development, and micromobility.
Major Publications
Small Vehicles, Big Impact: Micromobility’s Value for Cities and Real Estate (2021)
Envisioning Healthy Corridors: Lessons from Four Communities (2019)
Blind Spots: How Unhealthy Corridors Harm Communities and How to Fix Them (2019)
Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier (2016)
Building Healthy Corridors: Transforming Urban and Suburban Arterials into Thriving Places (2016)