Meg Kelly
Title: Director, Space to Grow
Organization: Healthy Schools Campaign
Location: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Meg has over 20 years of experience managing complex partnerships and programs aimed at sustainable and equitable development. With a background in urban planning, land use planning and sensitive resource protection, Meg has managed projects across the U.S. focused on innovative stormwater management, sustainability initiatives, community engagement and natural resource conservation. Since starting at Healthy Schools Campaign in 2014, Meg has led Space to Grow – Chicago’s green schoolyards program that is transforming schoolyards in historically disinvested communities across Chicago – from a pilot project into an award-winning, internationally recognized model for equitable community investment. Space to Grow is a unique collaboration of public agency and nonprofit partners working to build community and climate resilience with a holistic suite of programming and capital improvements. Meg manages the partnership and program delivery, ensuring communities with the most needs are prioritized and are meaningfully engaged and consulted throughout the process. Meg holds a bachelor’s degree in Urban & Environmental Affairs from Marquette University and a Master of Urban Planning from University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.