Ivy Thompson
Title: Senior Planner
Organization: Prince George’s County Planning Department
Location: Upper Marlboro, MD
Ivy Thompson is a Senior Planner at Maryland- National Capital Parks and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC)-Prince George’s County Planning Department. Ms. Thompson currently is a member of the Countywide Planning Division providing research and reviewing regional public development projects. Her previous role was as a reviewer in the Development Review Division.
During her time with M-NCPPC Ivy has served as both an employee facilitating various small and medium in-fill redevelopment projects and as a resource advising stakeholders on zoning and planning projects in her role as an elected municipal official and board member of local organizations such as Joe’s Movement Emporium, the Gateway Community Development Corporation, ATHA, and the Prince George’s County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.
Her commitment to Cities were acknowledged, when selected a John J. McCloy Fellow with the American Council on Germany and again as a resource for Bilbao Urban Innovation and Leadership Dialogues with the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Ivy began her planning career working in public art and community redevelopment in Cincinnati working with ARTWORKS Cincinnati to facilitate the creation and placement of public art in redeveloping areas in Cincinnati. Ms. Thompson also worked with the Appalachian Regional Council preserving African American History in the East End neighborhood via the preservation of the Pendleton Heritage Center, a former train depot that served as a gathering place for African Americans and Appalachians in Cincinnati. Ivy’s early roots as a journalist, and peace and urban environmental justice advocate in the early 1990’s started her on her journey towards urban redevelopment.
Ivy has a Master of Community Planning and Certificate in Historic Preservation from the University of Cincinnati, a Diploma in Urban Inner-City Renewal from Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Bachelors Degree in English Literature, Minors in Business and Global Studies from Alverno College.