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ULI Hines Student Competition 2019 Winner: “The CincyStitch” – MIT and Harvard
February 19, 2019
Original Entry Title: The CincyStitch
Team Code: 192019
School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University
Overview (Narrative Excerpt from Final Project Submission): “The CincyStitch repositions a pivotal stretch of Cincinnati’s waterfront not as the city’s edge, but as the center of a connected region. Through four threads – Culture + History, Public Realm, Transportation, And New Economies – the proposal strategically expands the site and creates connections to break down barriers across geography and time. Together these four threads weave an urban tapestry rich in history but geared to the future; a 24-hour neighborhood bustling with city dwellers, and a center for new commerce that connects citizens across the region socially and
- Joshua Brooks (Team Leader), Master of City Planning, MIT
- Matthew Macchietto, Master of Landscape Architecture, Harvard
- Shiqi Peng, Master of Finance, MIT
- Alan Sage, Master of City Planning, MIT
- Zhicheng Xu, Master of Architecture, MIT
- Dennis Pieprz, Principal, Chair of Design at Sasaki
- Eran Ben-Joseph, Department Head, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP)
Final Submission Materials:
- Presentation Board 1
- Presentation Board 2
- Presentation Board 3
- Presentation Board 4
- Narrative Summary
- Pro Forma
- Pro Forma Summary
- Pro Forma Supplement
Original Submission Materials: