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ULI Hines Competition 2015 Finalist: "Quartier Vert" - University of Wisconsin-Madison, and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
March 1, 2015
Entry Title: Quartier Vert
School: University of Wisconsin-Madison, and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“Quartier Vert creates a vision of a community that operates as an intersection piece between communities, corridors of activity, and a variety of users. Intertwined within each of these strategies exists a neighborhood fabric that suggests the interaction that can and should exist between the site and its neighbors. The neighborhoods occupying and surrounding the site have been shaped and shifted by patterns of development and natural disasters, but in the midst of it all, a sense of pride and rich culture history has been preserved. Capitalizing on the existing locational and socioeconomic advantages of the area, Quartier Vert seeks to revive and enhance the surrounding community.”
- Efrain Cano, Joint Architecture/Urban Planning, UW Milwaukee
- Scott Gibbel, Master of Business Administration, UW Madison
- Ryan Guetschow, Joint Architecture/Urban Planning, UW Milwaukee
- Jacob G Jordan, (Team Leader) Joint Architecture/Urban Planning, UW Milwaukee
- Joe Stefanich, Joint Architecture/Urban Planning, UW Milwaukee
- Faculty adviser: Carolyn Esswein, Faculty Associate – Urban Planning
- Faculty adviser: Harvey Rabinowitz, Professor – Architecture