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Salesforce Park – 2020 ULI Urban Open Space Awards Finalist
2020 ULI Urban Open Space Award finalist, Salesforce Park in San Francisco is a lush 5.4-acre public park 70 feet above the city streets.
Photo By Green Rivers Greenway
Kids check out the new equipment during the grand opening in October 2016.
Photo By Great Rivers Greenway
Kids explore the playgrounds during the grand opening.
Location: Wellston, Missouri, United States
Owners: Great Rivers Greenway; City of Wellston
Designer: Lamar Johnson Collaborative (formerly Forum Studio)
Additional Team Members: Beyond Housing, David Mason & Associates, SWT Design, National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), St. Louis County Parks
Site Size: 1 acre (0.4 hectares)
Number of People Served (within a half-mile): 1,000
Opened: October 8, 2016
Photo By Great Rivers Greenway
Neighborhood girl enjoying splashpad on a hot summer day.
Trojan Park is a 1-acre community park in Wellston, Missouri that gets an estimated 20,000 visitors per year. It is a key destination as part of the St. Vincent Greenway, which stretches across four towns in the St. Louis region, connecting major parks, schools and universities, public transit, job centers and neighborhoods. Built as part of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)’s “Parks Build Communities” initiative, it is a partnership project between Great Rivers Greenway (regional public agency connecting three counties with greenway trails), City of Wellston, St. Louis County Parks, NRPA and more than 30 partners who contributed funding or in-kind services or materials to the park. The City, County, and NRPA continue to collaborate with vendors and volunteers for operations and maintenance.
Photo By Great Rivers Greenway
Pollinators in rain garden in full force.
The park, designed and named by neighbors to honor the former high school mascot, is packed with amenities they chose, from a splashpad and playgrounds to a full basketball court. It is a go-to spot for public and private gatherings. Beyond basic functions, it also features ADA-accessible exercise equipment, musical instruments and rain gardens full of native plants.
Photo By Great Rivers Greenway
Kids enjoy the Jr. NBA clinic during the grand opening.
Elected County Councilwoman Hazel Erby describes the relationship to the community: “When I walked up this morning I could hardly keep from tearing up, it’s so wonderful. Wellston deserves it. Our children deserve it. Our families deserve it. There are good things happening here. We always hear the negative, today this is just … a vision of hope.”
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