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ULI Infrastructure Initiative announces Toolkits for Impact to improve the coordination of infrastructure and land use.
ULI Infrastructure Initiative develops Toolkits for Impact to bring the best practices and lessons learned from regional partnership efforts across the country to national audiences.
Infrastructure Game Changers Toolkit for Impact explains ULI Chicago’s innovative infrastructure evaluation process.
Innovations in Transit and Land Use Toolkit for Impact describes how communities can gain a deeper understanding of new innovations in transit service and their connection to land development.
Transformative Development Action Strategy Toolkit for Impact summarizes how ULI Minnesota participated in leading the development of Reinvesting in the Region: An Action Plan to Make It Easier to Do Better.
The toolkits feature work developed as part of the ULI/Curtis Regional Infrastructure Project, a three-year initiative that addressed the relationship between infrastructure and land use at the regional level in order to improve decision-making and develop national models of best practices. The ULI/Curtis Regional Infrastructure Project was funded by ULI member James Curtis.
“The Curtis Project enabled ULI to develop innovative partnerships that tackled coordinating transportation and land use in new ways. With these toolkits, ULI District Councils and metropolitan regions can leverage the experience of ULI Chicago, ULI Minnesota, and ULI Northwest,” says Rachel MacCleery, vice president for infrastructure.