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2001 ULI J.C. Nichols Prize Winner — Daniel Patrick Moynihan
The recipient of the second annual ULI J.C. Nichols Prize for Visionaries in Urban Development is Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
Author: Michael Pawlukiewicz and Deborah L. Myerson
Published: November 16, 2001
The ULI/Robert C. Larson Forum on Land Use Policy was created as an annual forum to gain a more detailed understanding of current land use and real estate trends and to identify the key land use policy issues on which ULI should focus its research and education programs. On November 16, 2001, a small group of leaders from the land use and real estate community met in Washington, D.C., for a one-day forum to share their vision and exper- tise in examining the future of the world’s leading cities in light of the September 11 terrorist attacks and recent market trends.
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