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Terwilliger Center Award for Innovation in Attainable Housing 2023 Finalist: Gordon H. Mansfield Veterans Community
The Gordon H. Mansfield Veterans Community has 70 units of supportive housing for veterans with different income levels.
June 8, 2023
John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts is a $46.5 million nine-story building that provides homeless individuals with multiple services and opens 98 affordable one-bedroom and studio apartments for those transitioning to more permanent housing. The center includes 75 medical respite beds, which will target homeless people with acute medical conditions. This “first-of-its kind facility” provides the immediate health care needs for 500 individuals per year through medical respite and recuperative care while creating 98 permanent supportive housing (PSH) apartments for people experiencing homelessness.
The project aims to be a place to heal the whole person, grow, and celebrate life. The building’s innovative design incorporates a very complex stack of vertical uses on a tight urban infill site with the use of cutting-edge off-site prefabrication that improves sustainability while saving time and on-site labor. It sets a new model for health and well-being through increased density, adding new respite care facilities and residential levels above. By incorporating communal spaces throughout into the building, the project encourages its residents to connect with each other, its visitors, and the city beyond. These communal spaces include life-skills training and conference facilities, a dining center, recreation and tv lounges, outdoor decks, and terraces.
The project received funding from multiple sources: direct funding from the city and county of Denver and the Colorado Division of Housing. The Recuperative Care Center utilizes New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs) provided by the Corporation for Supportive Housing and Colorado Growth and Revitalization Fund. The Northern Trust Co. is the NMTC tax credit investor. Several foundations and private donors also contributed generously to the center. The housing is financed through dual 9% and 4% and private-activity bond allocations from the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority. The LIHTC investor is Enterprise Housing Credit Investments. FirstBank provided construction and permanent loans. The Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka, in collaboration with First Bank, provided funding through its Affordable Housing Program.
Location: Denver, Colorado
Developers: The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless and Renaissance Housing Development Corporation
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