Support ULI
Make a Difference: Fund our program of work by sponsoring our meetings, advertising in UrbanLand, or underwriting a center of research and study, publication, or program.
For 75 years, the Urban Land Institute has been working to advance the understanding and practice of sound real estate development and land use. With a time-honored respect for the connection between understanding and practice, ULI has developed a keen sense of what it takes to turn ideas into action. Content innovation and intellectual drive at ULI are principally led through the work of a collection of established program centers and initiatives. These centers and initiatives include public sector and industry leadership, housing, capital markets, climate and energy, and building performance. Your contribution to ULI will support the efforts of ULI’s program centers and initiatives to turn innovative land use ideas into action.
ULI Foundation
The ULI Foundation’s sole mission is to encourage charitable giving among ULI’s members and partners to support ULI programs and initiatives. With its enormous intellectual capital and extensive volunteer network, the Institute is uniquely positioned to make a lasting impact on what matters most—the human condition. Learn more.
Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is a major source of pride within ULI. It is supported by thousands of members who value the difference it makes within our organization and our communities. Every gift to the Annual Fund advances ULI’s mission to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. Learn more.
Named Gifts
Endowments and time-limited gifts to the ULI Foundation are investments with incredible returns. You can effect meaningful, visible change in the world by supporting the work of ULI through its Foundation. Learn more.
The Governors Program
ULI Governors are a select group of members united by their commitment to ensuring the future of the organization. Becoming a Governor is one of the most profound ways to make a visible difference in the future of our nation’s communities as well as our collective professions. The Governors Program funds the largest and most significant endowment for ULI. Learn more.
Planned Giving
Because circumstances for individuals vary, not everyone is in a position to make a major current contribution to the ULI Foundation. A planned gift accommodates donors who are interested in creating a lasting legacy through a contribution, but who find that the timing is not right for a current gift. The ULI Foundation’s Planned Giving program is designed to provide prospective donors with the opportunity to contribute to ULI programs that closely match their interests. Learn more.
Urban Land magazine, both in print and online, is the flagship publication of the Urban Land Institute. Urban Land covers key real estate development trends and issues and is published bimonthly. This publication is directly mailed to ULI’s 38,000 members worldwide and distributed at ULI conferences and annual meetings. Advertising in Urban Land, allows your firm to gain direct exposure to today’s top leaders and decision makers. Learn more.
Through your generous sponsorship contribution’s and support, ULI is able to continue being a leader in various real estate education and research programs. By sponsoring a ULI event, your firm is exposed to an unparalleled opportunity to network with business decision makers, showcasing your firm’s services and products while strengthen ties with existing clients. Learn more.
Corporate Partners
Corporate Partners support ULI through investments of time and energy, and financial contributions, all of which combine to keep the Institute at the defining edge of what’s next for the real estate and land use industry. At ULI, this means bringing together leaders in the industry to share best practices, exchange real-world information, and network with colleagues and business partners. Whether their financial contributions underwrite sponsorships of meetings and conferences or fund works of original research, Corporate Partners support a wide array of critical programs, initiatives, and activities at ULI. Learn more.
ULI Foundation Partners
A variety of ULI programs and initiatives are underwritten by foundations, including the Wells Fargo Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. ULI is open to partnering with foundations regarding a program of work. Learn more.
ULI’s Programs and Initiatives
ULI offers a variety of programs and initiatives, all of which receive underwriting from major donors and corporate sponsors. Sponsored reports include the annual Infrastructure report, Emerging Trends, and the Climate, Land Use, and Energy (CLUE) report, to name a few. Opportunities exist to support a ULI Center, including the Center for Capital Markets, the Greenprint Center for Building Performance, the Terwilliger Center for Housing, and the Rose Center for Public Leadership. Learn more.