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ULI Public/Private Partnerships: Best Practices and New Opportunities was held June 25 and 26, 2014, at the Westin Book Cadillac in Detroit, Michigan.
Conference attendees heard from experts in the public and private sectors who combined their strengths and resources to complete development projects that would have been impossible using more traditional methods of economic development. They learned what worked, what didn’t, and practical how-to advice.
Speaker Presentations
Innovation as Leadership: Structuring a Public/Private Partnership to Meet Many Goals
- Moderator: Calvin Gladney, managing partner, Mosaic Urban Partners
- Stephen B. Friedman, president, SB Friedman Development Advisors
- Gabe Klein, senior visiting fellow, Urban Land Institute
- Timothy Thorland, executive director, Southwest Housing
The Role of Public Real Estate Assets in Stimulating Public/Private Development
- Daniel A. Biederman, president, 34th Street Partnership/Bryant Park Corporation
- Robert F. Gregory, senior vice president, Downtown Detroit Partnership
- Paul F. Morris, president and chief executive officer, Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Old Challenges, New Financing Tools
- Moderator: Maureen McAvey, senior resident fellow and Bucksbaum family chair for retail, Urban Land Institute
- Lynnette Slater Crandall, partner, Dorsey & Whitney
- Jim Harbaugh, executive vice president and chief operating officer, Center City Lehigh Valley
- Laura J. Trudeau, managing director, community development, Detroit, Kresge Foundation
Infrastructure Public/Private Partnerships: Spotlight on Detroit
- Moderator: Gregory R. McDuffee, executive director, Detroit-Wayne Joint Building Authority
- Matthew P. Cullen, president and chief executive officer, Rock Ventures LLC
- Douglas George, consul-general, Consulate General of Canada, Detroit
A Tale of Two Public/Private Partnerships: Over-the-Rhine and Denver Union Station
- Moderator: Thomas Murphy, senior resident fellow, Joseph C. Canizaro/Klingbeil family chair for urban development, Urban Land Institute
- Christopher E. Frampton, managing partner, East West Partners
- Chad Munitz, executive vice president, asset and capital management, Cincinnati Center City Development Corporation (3CDC)
Barriers and Frustrations that Prevent Effective Public/Private Partnerships
- Moderator: Charles A. Long, president, Charles A. Long Properties
- Jared Fleisher, associate, Patton Boggs
- Liam Kelly, principal, KPMG
- Joseph P. Pavona, special advisor for public-private partnerships, Governor Rick Snyder, State of Michigan