Rex Cabaniss
Title: Planning & Design Director
Organization: WHLC Architecture
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Rex Cabaniss’s career spans over 40 years of professional practice, with positions from Portland to Austin to Houston to New Orleans to London. Living and working in a variety of urban centers developed a deep interest in the dynamics of vibrant urban environments.
As Principal at WHLC, he oversees a wide range of projects throughout the Gulf South. As licensed Architect and certified Planner, Rex focuses on integrating the two disciplines across the healthcare, research, multifamily, commercial, education, and municipal sectors. Master Planning projects include strategic visioning for Healthcare Campuses to Economic Development Districts to Downtown Revitalization.
Leading the Boards of several community non-profits brings broad collaborative opportunities impacting civic progress. Educational service includes University design reviews, Junior Achievement, The Futures Fund, and the Nepris Network. Additional professional and civic engagements include the American Institute of Architects, Urban Land Institute UrbanPlan, Arts Council / Chamber of Commerce / Planning Commission committees, and community planning groups.
Rex received a Bachelor of Environmental Design from Texas A&M University and Master of Architecture degree from the University of Oregon.