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Pleasant Valley School Redevelopment Opportunity, Groton CT
The Town of Groton CT is seeking developers for the redevelopment of the Pleasant Valley School property through a competitive RFP.
Panther Island is a peninsula and floodplain located at the convergence of the Clear Fork Trinity River and the West Fork Trinity River just north of downtown Fort Worth, Texas. In the coming years, large-scale infrastructure investments on Panther Island will make 383 acres of public land holdings available for redevelopment. The anticipated investment is already applying pressure on real estate in nearby areas, particularly the Northside and Historic Marine neighborhoods. Legitimate concerns around housing affordability, displacement, and loss of neighborhood character led the City and Chamber to seek advice from ULI around how to best prepare for the potential changes that Panther Island development will bring.
Photo By ULI
The panel was led by Chair Omar Gonzalez, Director of Development, Oxbow Development Group, San Antonio, Texas, Agnès Artemel, Artemel & Associates, Alexandria, Virginia, Antonio Fiol-Silva, Founding Principal, SITIO architecture + urbanism, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Lucia Garsys, Garsys Planning, Tampa, Florida, Liliana Gonzalez, Development Manager, Cinnaire, Detroit, Michigan, Laura Cortez, Founder and CEO, Cortez Consulting, Driftwood, Texas, Danielle “Dee” Giarla, Real Estate Associate, VanTrust Real Estate, Kansas City, Missouri, Ashley Terry, Vice President of Development, Wheeler District, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The panel was supported by ULI Staff Tamela Thornton, Amber Crawford, Shane Burton, Lauren McKim Callaghan, Barbra Gustis, Victoria Oestreich, and Kelly Annis.
Date: September 15 – 20, 2024
Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Sponsors: The Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the City of Fort Worth
Panel Chair: Omar Gonzalez, Director of Development, Oxbow Development Group, San Antonio, Texas
While the initial concern lay in the consideration of how Panther Island development will negatively impact the Northside community, the panel shifted its perspective to put the community in the driver’s seat. This paradigm shift instead considers how the Northside community can best benefit from new development and how it can effectively advocate for the benefits it determines will best serve the community.
The panel provided the following recommendations:
Community Engagement:
Housing Affordability:
Support for Local Businesses:
Celebrate Arts & Culture:
The efforts outlined by the panel will take time—as will the development of Panther Island. Work should begin today, however, to form the CAC and build and strengthen the community’s capacity. The CAC will need time to establish trust with one another and with the community as a reliable and serious resource. Once the CAC is established as a firm foundation, the rest of the recommendations for the Northside can be tackled, now better informed by the community, more accurately aligned with their wants and needs, and providing a clearer path for developers wishing to bring new projects to the neighborhood. It starts with a shift: “How will this impact the Northside” now becomes “How can the Northside benefit from… ”
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