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The ULI Building Healthy Places Initiative is leveraging the power of ULI’s global networks to shape projects and places in ways that improve the health of people and communities.
ULI Launches Effort to Create Healthy Commercial Corridors
This fall, ULI launched an exciting new project focused on transforming isolated and automobile-dependent arterials into places that improve the health and well-being of people who live and work in and around corridors. Through demonstration projects in three cities, ULI will develop a replicable typology to create healthy corridors which lead to healthier metropolitan regions. The project is being generously supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Learn more.
NIH Event Explores Linkages between Health and the Built Environment
Acting U.S. Surgeon General Boris Lushniak delivered opening remarks at the National Institutes for Health (NIH) “National Prevention Strategy” seminar, held November 5, which explored links between health and the built environment. Rachel MacCleery, ULI senior vice president for content, served on the panel and discussed the role of real estate developers in creating healthier buildings and communities. Learn more.
Urban Innovation Grants Awarded to Projects Highlighting Health
Among the 16 winners of the FY15 Urban Innovation Grants, awarded to ULI district and national councils and announced at the ULI Fall Meeting in New York in October, nine are local projects that explore health and the built environment. Learn more.
Ten Principles for Building Healthy Places Now Available in German
Ten Principles for Building Healthy Places, translated into German, was released Tuesday at the ULI Leadership Award and Urban Leader Forum in Hamburg. Learn more.
Resources Available from Building Healthy Places Sessions at the Fall Meeting
Materials from the Building Healthy Places sessions at the ULI Fall Meeting in New York—including session descriptions, PowerPoint presentations, and Urban Land articles—are now available. Learn more.