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Earlier this month a new, central resource for research and information about creating and sustaining mixed-income communities has launched at Case Western Reserve University. The National Initiative on Mixed-Income Communities (NIMC) is based in the Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences.
NIMC’s mission is to help reduce urban poverty and promote successful mixed-income communities by facilitating high-quality research and making information and evidence easily available to policymakers and practitioners. Terwilliger Center executive director Lynn Ross serves on the NIMC National Advisory Committee.
NIMC, led by Associate Professor Mark Joseph, Ph.D., offers several resources designed for practitioners, researchers and policymakers including periodic Scans of the Field, a mixed-income database and a mixed income library and social media network all accessible online at
The first scan, which is based on information from 31 developments across the country, explores the social dynamics in mixed-income developments A second scan on the topic of upward mobility for low-income residents in mixed-income developments is currently underway. The online database has information for over 140 mixed-income housing developments nationally and the mixed-income library has over 150 articles and reports on mixed-income development.