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New Research Identifies Opportunities and Obstacles for Energy Efficiency in Buildings Sector
June 20, 2013
This week, two new reports share new data about opportunities and obstacles for energy efficiency in the buildings sector. Both reports surveyed decision-makers from the real estate industry and buildings sector.
The 2013 Energy Efficiency Indicator (EEI) study, conducted by the Johnson Controls Institute (JCI) for Building Efficiency, examines the energy efficiency innovations, technology-adoption, and financial investments made by over 3,000 executive decision-makers globally. The Urban Land Institute, along with the International Facility Management Association, were global partners on this research effort. JCI is also a Greenprint Innovation Partner.
The report details drivers that result in energy efficiency action and the value proposition for making efficiency improvements. This year, the survey results were also analyzed to highlight the characteristics of those organizations that are leaders in energy-efficiency investment and action. Key survey findings include:
- Organizations with stated energy goals implement 50% more efficiency and renewable energy measures than organizations without goals.
- Cost savings remains largest driver for energy-efficiency for the 6th year of the EEI study. Other motivators include: government & utility incentives/rebates, increased asset value, energy security, and enhanced brand or public image.
- Energy management is increasing in importance. There has been a 10% increase in companies paying “a lot more attention” to energy efficiency.
- Lack of financing continues to be a barrier to implementing energy efficiency improvements. Technical capacity to evaluate performance is also a significant barrier in many markets.
Click here to learn more about this research and access the 2013 EEI Global Findings.
Also this week, the Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by the Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN), commissioned a study focusing on opportunities and barriers for scaling up energy-efficiency initiatives in the United States. “Achieving scale in the US: A view from the construction and real estate sectors,” identifies regulatory challenges, policy and financing opportunities, and emphasizes the need to leverage co-benefits of energy-efficiency improvements. In addition to a survey of 423 real estate executives, the study also interviewed key experts from leading companies that are driving energy-efficiency in the US building sector, including Philip Payne, CEO of Gingko Residential and co-chair of the ULI CLUE Initiative Advisory Group and Chris Wilson, managing director and global sustainability officer at LaSalle Investment Management, a ULI Greenprint Center for Building Performance member.
Click here to learn more about this research and access the full report.