Lisa Cutshaw
Title: Senior Landscape Architect
Organization: Summit Design & Engineering
Location: Asheville, NC
Lisa Cutshaw, PLA, has been practicing landscape architecture for over 14 years. Her work is driven by the effort to improve quality of life through connection with nature. With a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and a background in ecology, Lisa strives in every project and undertaking to bring the healing benefits of connection with nature to the community. Lisa’s approach to project management is collaborative, placing a premium on open and inclusive communication. Her work has covered a wide array of project types, including hospital and university campus design, mixed-use developments, parks, community centers, and residential projects. Her career has focused largely on projects with multiple layers of complexity, including zoning, public input, and site constraints. For the last three years, Lisa has been involved in real estate investing and is working on plans for socially responsible development in the Asheville, NC area.