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Jack Kemp Excellence in Affordable and Workforce Housing Awards 2018 Winner: Keauhou Lane
July 25, 2018
Keauhou Lane is a six-story mixed-use development with commercial space on the ground floor and five floors of residential units above. It adds 209 units of affordable housing and more than 30,000 square feet of retail, grocery, and restaurant space to the vibrant community of Kaka’ako in Honolulu. As a collaborative piece of a master-planned development, the Keauhou Lane Mixed-use Development project is the first truly integrated transit-oriented development project delivered in the Honolulu market place.
With a firm history rooted in sustainability, and experience with complicated mixed-use multifamily design, the development team, Gerding Edlen, sought to create a sustainable mid-rise mixed-use product to the market. The program delivers LEED Platinum Certified affordable rental housing mixed with creative retail. Approximately 25% of the site is dedicated to public open space, with a large pedestrian concourse spanning the property to provide an enhanced streetscape experience and to connect directly to the City’s new light rail Civic Center station.
As a mixed-use and transit-oriented development, it creates economic opportunity by providing jobs on site, offering mobility by connecting to public transit, and by bringing residents of various income levels to the site.
At the heart of the development’s program requirements was a need to provide critically necessary housing with a focus on sustainability and mixed-use synergies that allow people to live, work and play both within the specific confines of the Keauhou Lane Mixed-Use Development, but also connect seamlessly to the adjacent master planned parcels, and the HART Transit station, which will eventually provide connectivity beyond the immediate site of the project.
This development helps to continue revitalizing Kaka’ako, a historically industrial neighborhood now known for its vibrancy, and adds much needed housing in urban Honolulu.
Location: Honolulu, HI
Developer: Gerding Edlen
Owner: GE Hawaii Block A2, LLC
Partners: Kamehameha Schools and HHFDC