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Organized by the ULI Center for Sustainable Development as part of the Climate Change, Land Use and Energy (CLUE) Initiative
This ULI policy and practice forum explored how emerging energy-efficiency finance mechanisms create new pathways to access capital markets in the service of making existing buildings in the United States more energy efficient. Whether PACE or other state and local bonding initiatives, extensive legislative activity at all levels of government is seeking to reconfigure the financial landscape for funding energy efficient building retrofits.
- How are these initiatives impacting the commercial and multi-family real estate markets?
- Which state and local governments are emerging as innovative leaders?
- How are capital markets assessing risks and opportunity of energy-related investments?
- How can these energy-efficiency initiatives be brought up to scale and into alignment with energy demand reduction goals?
- The forum engaged legislative experts, owners, investors and leaders and shared best practices for financing energy efficiency in the here and now.
Read more about this past event.