Developing Urban Resilience
The Developing Urban Resilience website features member nominated real estate development projects that showcase best practices in resilient design. ULI continues to add project briefs to the online library and welcomes nominations for additional projects to profile. Project nominations can be submitted via navigator or email [email protected].
The Urban Resilience program would like to thank the vast ULI network, including the many members, district councils, and product councils that have generously contributed their time and expertise to the briefs included on this site through interviews, research, and project nominations for both the the Returns on Resilience (2015) research initiative and the Harvesting the Value of Water (2017) report.
The Urban Land Institute’s Urban Resilience program is grateful to The JPB Foundation, which supported this project, as well to other funders who supported much of the research on the site, such as The Kresge Foundation, the New York Community Trust, and the ULI Foundation.