Daphne Green
Title: Planner III
Organization: East Central Florida Regional Planning Council
Location: Orlando, Florida, U.S.
Daphne is an experienced urban planner, with a career emphasis on health and equity planning, comprehensive planning, project management, and community engagement for better decision-making and policy development. She has many urban design interests that include but are not limited to healthy housing, visioning and long-range planning, multimodal transportation, green infrastructure, and placemaking. Her years of experience have allowed her to play a role in health impact analysis, strategic planning, housing policy analysis, vulnerability assessment, and neighborhood planning. After receiving her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning at the Florida State University, Daphne became Health Planner for the City of Pinellas Park. Here she led a Health in All Policies (HiAP) Program in collaboration with Pinellas County and Pinellas-DOH. In this role she led a HiAP working group and engaged members to identify opportunities to strengthen the City’s policy framework for health equity. In 2021 she transitioned from this role to a Planner III position for the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council. In this role she is responsible for supporting and often leading community development projects initiated by the Council. While a main role in this position is to facilitate community engagement for the East Central Florida Brownfield program, Daphne also acts at the agency’s housing policy expert and supports projects focused on comprehensive planning, resilience, economic development, and GIS. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) since 2021 and was certified as a Technology of Participation (ToP) meeting facilitator in 2020.