Americas NEXT Committee
To support the NEXT initiative in the Americas region, the Americas NEXT Leadership Steering Committee (LSC) was created and is comprised of mid-career professionals across the Americas, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico, to help support the growth and engagement of mid-career members across local district councils. The Americas NEXT LSC is also responsible for organizing relevant programming at the Fall and Spring Meetings, as well as regular virtual content throughout the year.
- Broaden Reach: Create a framework to extend reach across regions, into district councils, and throughout leadership channels with an aim to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion within ULI.
- Create More Opportunities to Engage: Launch a multi-tiered engagement platform creating more opportunities to engage via the local district council NEXT groups, Americas NEXT LSC, and Fall/Spring Meeting programming.
- Facilitate Peer Connectivity: Across the NEXT demographic, across affinity groups, and across leadership tracks, allowing members to leverage the right relationships at the right time to enhance their professional advancement and ultimately provide for both personal and professional enrichment.
- Establish an Aspirational Path for YLG Graduates: Play more of a role in creating an aspirational path for ULI YLG members and creating more mentoring opportunities between NEXT and YLG.
- Create Unique Content and Programs: Of relevance to the mid-career demographic. Programming themes include connectivity, entrepreneurship, innovation, and transformation.
- Provide an Avenue for Philanthropy: Through ULI internal networks and initiatives, identify and partner with value-aligned external partners or organizations that help advance ULI’s mission.