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On this page, you will find a roundup of ULI articles, reports, and books that address the multi-faceted relationship between health and the built environment. We hope that you find these resources helpful!
Publications are listed under topics in chronological order. In general, publications older than 2008 have not been included. We will update this post periodically.
For more resources, see our other post, A Bibliography of Non-ULI Resources about Building Healthy Places.
Last updated: February 24, 2015
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General | Places & Projects | Active Transportation & Transit | Land Use Patterns | Parks, Green Space, & Recreation | Building Design | Housing | Aging in Place | Health Care Facilities
- Building Healthy Places Toolkit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Built Environment by Joanna Frank, Rachel MacCleery, Suzanne Nienaber, Sara Hammerschmidt, and Abigail Clafin. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2015.
Original Report (PDF format, February 2015)
Digital edition (May 2015) - “Health and Land Use Experts Gather in Los Angeles” by Trisha Riggs. Published in Urban Land on March 7, 2014.
- “Building Healthy Places: Doing Well and Good,” by Kathleen McCormick. Published in Urban Land on November 15, 2013.
- Intersections: Health and the Built Environment by Kathleen McCormick. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2013.
- Ten Principles for Building Healthy Places by Thomas W. Eitler, Edward T. McMahon, and Theodore C. Thoerig. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2013.
- “Linking the Built Environment to Better Health,” by Trisha Riggs. Published in Urban Land on August 19, 2013.
- “Developers, Health Officials Incorporating Wellness Into Planning,” by Leslie Braunstein. Published in Urban Land on May 21, 2013.
- “Healthy Cities in a Post-Redevelopment Era: Envisioning Sustainable Economic Development,” by Cecilia V. Estolano. Published in the ULI Los Angeles Blog on March 5, 2013.
- “Healthy Communities: A New Direction in Development,” by Ed McMahon. Published in Urban Land in November 2012.
- “A Holistic Approach to City Building,” by Patrick L. Phillips. Published in Urban Land in September/October 2012.
- “Creating Self-Sustaining Communities,” by Timothy Haahs and Megan Leinhart. Published in Urban Land in March/April 2012.
- “Planning Communities for 2020,” by John Martin. Published in Urban Land in January/February 2011.
- “Urban Agriculture Practices to Improve Cities,” by Mia Leher and Maya Dunne. Published in Urban Land in January/February 2011.
Places & Projects
- Building for Wellness: The Business Case by Anita Kramer, Terry Lasser, Mark Federman, and Sara Hammerschmidt. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2014.
- “Darwin’s Retail: Survival of the Fittest,” by Brett Widness. Published in Urban Land on November 18, 2013.
- “Making Healthy Places Happen,” by Kathleen McCormick. Published in Urban Land on November 15, 2013.
- “Healthier Work Environment Attract Top Tenants, Talent,” by Kathleen McCormick. Published in Urban Land on November 15, 2013.
- “Incorporating Healthy Practices into New Residential Development,” by Kathleen McCormick. Published in Urban Land on November 15, 2013.
- “Transforming Chicago’s Public Housing,” by Bendix Anderson. Published in Urban Land on September 23, 2013.
- “Building Healthy Places: Three Models in Colorado,” by Ed McMahon. Published in Urban Land on August 12, 2013.
- “Health in the City: Denver’s Westwood,” by John Rebchook. Published in Urban Land on August 12, 2013.
- “Health in the Suburbs: Arvada, Colorado,” by John Rebchook. Published in Urban Land on August 12, 2013.
- “Health in Rural Areas: Lamar Colorado,” by Kathleen McCormick. Published in Urban Land on August 12, 2013.
- “Civita: San Diego’s New City Within the City,” by Patricia Kirk. Published in Urban Land in April 2013.
- “Healthy Places: Steps Toward a Healthier Arvada,” by Ed McMahon. Published by Health Relay on March 18, 2013.
- “Seven Communities Honored with EPA Award for Smart Growth,” by Brett Widness. Published in Urban Land on Dec. 6, 2012.
- “Solutions for a Healthier Los Angeles Conceived and Deliberated at an Urban Land Institute Event.” Published on the ULI Los Angeles Blog on March 9, 2012.
- “Way Green: Via Verde Affordable Housing,” by Ron Nyren. Published in Urban Land on Nov. 8, 2012.
- Springfield, Massachusetts: Strategies for a Sustainable City. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2007.
Active Transportation & Transit
- “How Street Network Design Affects Your Health” by Jonathan H. Todd. Published in Urban Land on December 8, 2014.
- Pedestrian- and Transit-Oriented Design by Reid H. Ewing and Keith Bartholomew. Published by the Urban Land Institute and American Planning Association in 2013.
- “Eight Qualities of Pedestrian- and Transit-Oriented Design,” by Reid H. Ewing and Keith Bartholomew. Published by Urban Land on March 7, 2013.
- “Walkable Communities Surveys,” by Jeffrey Spivak. Published in Urban Land on June 14, 2011.
- “Walkable Urbanism,” by Christopher Leinberger. Published in Urban Land in September/October 2010.
- Creating Walkable Places: Compact Mixed-Use Solutions by Adrienne Schmitz and Jason Scully. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2006.
Land Use Patterns
- “Suburban Revitalization: Adjusting to the New Normal,” by Brett Widness. Published in Urban Land on September 27, 2013.
- “ULX: Ten Brownfields Sprout New Life,” by Ron Nyren. Published in Urban Land on August 23, 2013.
- “Revitalization Outlook: What Strategies Can Help Make Urban Cores More Vibrant?” by Ron Nyren. Published in Urban Land on August 16, 2013.
- Shifting Suburbs: Reinventing Infrastructure for Compact Development by Rachel MacCleery. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2012.
- “Can Urban Sprawl Be Hazardous to Your Health?” by Mike Sheridan. Published in Urban Land on Oct. 11, 2010.
- “Building Healthier Communities Initiative: The Nexus between Health and Land Development Patterns.” A ULI Orange County whitepaper published in 2008.
- Getting Density Right: Tools for Creating Vibrant Compact Development. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2008.
Parks, Green Space, & Recreation
- “The Payoff from Parks,” by Howard Kozloff. Published in Urban Land on Aug. 29, 2012.
- “Land Conservation Remains as Popular as Ever,” by Ed McMahon. Published in Urban Land on Nov. 28, 2011.
- Conservation Communities: Creating Value with Nature, Open Space, and Agriculture by Ed McMahon. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2010.
Building Design
- “An Environmental Model for the Next 250 Years: Seattle’s Bullitt Center,” by Brad Burton. Published in Urban Land on November 26, 2013.
- “Building Healthy Places: A Stairway Renaissance,” by Phil Gutis. Published in Urban Land on October 17, 2013.
- How Housing Matters – Urban Land Institute Terwilliger Center for Housing
- Housing in America: Integrating Housing, Health, and Resilience in a Changing Environment by John McIlwain, Molly Simpson, and Sara Hammerschmidt. Published by the Urban Land Institute in 2014.
Aging in Place
- “The Surprisingly Simple Amenities That Help Urban Residents Age in Place,” by John McIlwain. Published in Urban Land on Dec. 7, 2011.
- “Suburbs, Cities and Aging in Place,” by John McIlwain. Published in Urban Land on Aug. 17, 2011.
Health Care Facilities
- “Anchor Institutions Driving Redevelopment of Detroit, Other Cities,” by Judy Weightman. Published in Urban Land on July 15, 2013.
- “How Changing Healthcare Delivery Will Affect Land Use,” by Leslie Braunstein. Published in Urban Land on May 22, 2013.
- “Development Strategies for a New Era of Health Care,” by Alicia Wachtell. Published in Urban Land on Aug. 1, 2012.
- “Health Care Done Right,” by Lawrence Speck and William Kregg Elsass. Published in Urban Land on Nov. 11, 2010.
- “Health Care Development,” by Nancy Egan and Paul Nakazawa. Published in Urban Land on Nov. 5, 2010.